Contract & Time Lock
KIMOCHI Token: 0x4dA95bd392811897cde899d25FACe253a424BfD4
MasterFarmer: 0xc88264770C43826dE89bCd48a5c8BC5073e482a5
Timelock: 0xd5689A0A622e6394eA34De7a56c41918c7B3081A
A Hashed Timelock Contract (HTLC) is a type of smart contract used in blockchain applications to eliminate counterparty risk by enabling the implementation of time-bound transactions. In practical terms, this means that recipients of a transaction have to acknowledge payment by generating cryptographic proof within a certain timeframe. Otherwise, the transaction does not take place.
Here, KIMOCHI's contracts are timelocked in 2 days. So the rugs will never appear.
Last updated
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